Final Words

Those not interested in massive storage capacity, but want more than typical flash MP3 player, would be wise to take a second look at this one from Creative. Last time we checked online, the Muvo2 4GB was running at sub $200 prices, which brings it under Apple iPod Mini by at least $50.

The main problems that we see associated with Muvo2 are mostly design-based, namely a small LCD display (132 x 32 res.), the inability to access the controls when slipped into its holster, and its small buttons. The front side of the Muvo2 design could have been utilized better by providing a larger display and/or increasing the side of the buttons. On the software side, there are minor modifications that can be made to make the experience easier, but the size of the LCD display limits interaction no matter how good the OS is developed. The easiest thing to remedy would be to cut out some windows in the holster to accommodate accessibility.

For those on the go, the Muvo2 is a nice mix between "what you get" and "what you pay for." It has a rugged feel to it and its use of a MicroDrive based storage device shouldn't discourage those who lead an active lifestyle (unless you are one who is prone to drop your MP3 player).

As I recall, we ended up running the Muvo2 4GB non-stop for 11 to 13 hours with our Li-Ion battery, which is good considering that it is suppose to last up to 14 hours with non-stop playing. If purchased with a second battery pack, swapping between the two will definitely provide enough power for a day and more. The ability to swap batteries is sorely underestimated, as even at 7 hours between each swappable battery is enough to second guess those that have fixed batteries with 14 hours of life in them. Since MP3 players are intended to be on the move constantly, this is how it should be.

Underlying all of this and yet still the top issue, the Muvo2 sound quality is clear as a bell, and all of our high quality MP3s were distinguishable from the lower recorded quality files. We still prefer the sound quality of the full-sized iPod's, but they aren't in the same price league. Other than Apple, Creative is the only other company to be in this ~4GB MP3 player market, and we would recommend that those who are considering purchasing a MP3 player with a semi-large storage capacity, but are on a budget, should take look at this one. Overall, the Muvo2 comes out as an excellent best-buy type MP3 player.

The Test
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  • melgross - Sunday, May 30, 2004 - link

    I wonder what the percentage of people are using this for what it was designed for vs. the drive camera angle. Creative probable doesn't care, as long as they sell, but...
  • nigham - Sunday, May 30, 2004 - link

    one thing i noticed with the Muvo NX - my current MP3 player - it DOES NOT recognize files that start with odd characters '[', '_' and such to be music files. caused me a huge heartache when i first bought it coz all my files are organized as "[Artist] Song Name"!!
  • nigham - Sunday, May 30, 2004 - link

    does this play .ogg format? i sorely need a player that plays ogg (since all my music is in that format) - and as of now, i believe only iRiver supports it.
  • Lurks - Saturday, May 29, 2004 - link

    Deleting posts? Nice...
  • MrEgo - Thursday, May 27, 2004 - link

    Ok, I admit I hardly know a thing about MP3 players. That being said, I am looking for a good MP3 player to listen to while I exercise. So basically, here's my requirements:

    1. Cannot skip while I run or bike.
    2. Able to upload songs from my computer onto the player.
    3. Able to delete/add files freely without buying memory cards.

    Would the player that was just reviewed support my needs? If so or if not, does anyone have any other suggestions for other players that may be cheaper that would suit my needs?
  • wassup4u2 - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - link

    What formats does it support? MP3, obviously, but how about .wma or .ogg?
  • Foxbat121 - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - link

    Correction: Type II CF rather than Type III
  • Foxbat121 - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - link

    Micro Drive is type III CF compatible which means you can used it as Type II CF cards. And I think we're talking about Muvo2 4GB here not 1.5GB.
  • nightowl - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - link

    I thought the Muvo2 1.5GB used a microdrive and not flash memory. Everything I have read says that it and the Rio Nitrus use a microdrive instead of flash memory.
  • Foxbat121 - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - link

    Most people bought Muvo2 just for the internal CF sized microdrive. You will find a lot of Muvo2's on sale on eBay without the microdrive. The MD alone costs $500 retail. ANd it works with most digital cameras that accept CF II cards. iPod has the same micro drive but is specifically modified so that it won't work inside a camera.

    It's hard to find anywhere that has Muvo2 in stock. Most places sold out in a few hours.

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