ATI Radeon VE 32MB

by Matthew Witheiler on February 19, 2001 3:09 AM EST

UnrealTournament Performance

The minimum framerates across the board are very similar, with the exception of the G450 which lags behind. The Radeon VE performs nearly identically to the Radeon SDR in UnrealTournament, showing the limitation of the Unreal engine

Once again, the Radeon VE performs nearly identically to the Radeon SDR. This shows how the Unreal engine really does not stress the core of a graphics processor, but rather other parts such as the memory subsystem. It is for this reason that the Radeon VE can come so close to the Radeon SDR, with the GeForce2 MX having only a slight lead.


At 1024x768x32, the game becomes a bit more intensive. No longer can the Radeon VE perform at the same rate as the more powerful Radeon SDR when it comes to the minimum framerate produced. Lets see how the average performance of the cards at this resolution is.

The average framerates show, once again, that processing power is not what Unreal Tournament takes advantage of . It is more likely that the memory system of the video cards is being stressed, resulting in similar performance for the top three performers.

Finally, at 1600x1200, the cards only differ by a few point in the minimum framerate measure.

The average framerate of the cards, however, shows that the Radeon SDR far outperforms the Radeon VE, showing that at this high of a resolution video processing power does being to matter. No longer is the memory subsystem and CPU of the computer being pressed, but the video card becomes the bottleneck.

MDK2 Performance 16-bit vs 32-bit Performance
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