Netbook LCD Quality

We ran our standard LCD quality tests using ColorEyes Display Pro to see how well this LCD panel performs. As mentioned in the introduction, the contrast ratio was noticeably worse than the ASUS 1005HA. Gigabyte still uses LED backlighting, but the display always looks a little washed out.

Netbook LCD Quality - Contrast

Netbook LCD Quality - White

Netbook LCD Quality - Black

Netbook LCD Quality - Color Accuracy

Netbook LCD Quality - Color Gamut

The default maximum brightness of the M1022 is good, measuring 210 nits. The ASUS 1005HA isn't nearly as bright by default, but if you use the free EeeCTL utility you can reach 250 nits while still maintaining the >1000:1 contrast ratio. Color gamut is also very weak on the M1022 panel, and the only area where it comes out better than the other netbooks is in color accuracy. The slight advantage it holds in average Delta E needs to be put into context, however: all of these netbooks and laptops have certain colors that they don't produce very well at all -- notice the spikes above 4.0. The spikes are a common trait of TN panels, which is pretty much the only thing we see in current netbooks, laptops, and notebooks.

Netbook Power Requirements M1022: Jack of All Trades, Master of None
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  • her34 - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    we don't need docks. docks are a step backwards.

    what is better and what should have happened is for displayport to have usb2 integrated from the beginning. then the monitor functions as the dock for any laptop. from usb ports on monitor, people can connect: keyboard, laptop, hdd, printer, etc. from monitor there would also be speaker output

  • strikeback03 - Friday, August 28, 2009 - link

    Is Displayport also going to carry power for the system and wired ethernet for those who want it? That would seem to make for an awfully bulky connector for those who only want to use it to connect an LCD to a desktop system.
  • faxon - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    that is an awesome idea. would have been really great if they had done this
  • acejj26 - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    conclusion page...last i checked, 350 + 270 = 620
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, August 27, 2009 - link

    Sorry. Core dump....

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