Sigma SD14 at lower ISO

You would expect the greatest improvement in Noiseware-processing of SD14 images to be at the higher ISO values. However, those who shoot only at ISO 100 with the Foveon may be surprised to see there is also an improvement in quality at lower ISO. This makes ISO 200 and 400 useful for even the most demanding Foveon shooters. Most of the images below were captured at ISO 400. The two Macro shots were both captured at ISO 200.

Sigma SD14 at ISO 800 Sigma SD14 Test Sequence
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  • Degloriath - Monday, July 28, 2008 - link

    Thanks for the article, noise is certainly always a problem in digital photography. I've messed around with different noise-reduction methods via Photoshop itself, as well as a plugin called Noise Ninja which usually worked pretty well for myself. All in all it takes some patience and tinkering to ever get it perfect. :) Perhaps I shall look into the mentioned program as well.

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